Letter L
Packages beginning with letter "L".
- lcas - Authorization service for grid credentials
- lcas-plugins-basic - Basic plugins for the LCAS authorization framework
- lcas-plugins-check-executable - Allowed executable plug-in for the LCAS authorization framework
- lcas-plugins-voms - VOMS plugins for the LCAS authorization framework
- lcg-ManageVOTag - manage VO-specific tags published for CE services
- lcg-expiregridmapdir - expire least recently used pool accounts as needed
- lcg-info - lcg-info
- lcg-info-dynamic-scheduler-pbs - Plugins for the lcg-info-dynamic-scheduler GIP plugin
- lcg-info-dynamic-software - Software tag publication
- lcg-infosites - Command line tool for the WLCG information system
- lcg-pbs-utils - Lcg-pbs-utils
- lcg-tags - Command to list, add and remove VO-specific CE tags
- lcg-util - Command line tools for wlcg storage system
- lcgdm - LHC Computing Grid Data Management
- lcgdm-dav - HTTP/DAV front end to the DPM/LFC services
- lcgdm-meta - LHC Computing Grid Data Management
- lcgdm-oracle - LHC Computing Grid Data Management
- lcmaps - Grid (X.509) and VOMS credentials to local account mapping service
- lcmaps-plugins-afs - AFS plugin for the LCMAPS authorization framework
- lcmaps-plugins-basic - Basic plugins for the LCMAPS authorization framework
- lcmaps-plugins-c-pep - C-PEP plugin for the LCMAPS authorization framework
- lcmaps-plugins-tracking-groupid - Groupid tracking plugin for the LCMAPS authorization framework
- lcmaps-plugins-verify-proxy - Proxy verification plugin for LCMAPS
- lcmaps-plugins-voms - VOMS plugins for the LCMAPS authorization framework
- lfc-yaim - YAIM configuration scripts for the LCG File Catalog (LFC)
- lrms-python-generic - Python library for lrms management